RGS Rolling StockRGSrr.com - Rio Grande Southern RR |
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In digging thru the photos available elsewhere on the internet, I've found a huge number of photos for the various pieces of rolling stock and other equipment on the RGS. As those photos don't seem to fit well in the other pages on my site, I've decided to collect them here, on this page. I've added details, build dates, etc to some of the listings as well. Please note that this is NOT a complete listing of all RGS rolling stock! Additions or comments - please email me at and I'll include it here.
Equipment that still exists is well documented, in it's current condition and (usually) with current photos, on my Remains page.
I used to have many photos listed from the John Maxwell collection, but his son Bruce has now passed away and his website is no longer online. If anyone because aware of it online again, please let me know.
Locomotives Cabooses Geese Passenger eq Maintenance eq Boxcars Flat cars Reefers Stock cars |
Number | Details | Pics |
#1 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
William Henry Jackson photos:
1900s(?), below Lizard Head: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 |
#3 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
7-4-38, scrap track, West Durango: p1 |
#6 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
1930, Alamosa: p1 |
#9 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
William Henry Jackson photos:
1-9-1893, near Lizard Head(?): p1 p2 p3 p4 |
#10 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
6-6-23, Alamosa: p1 |
#15 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Leo Croonenberghs photo:
About 1906: p1, Wrecked about Jan 4, 1907 on the Calumet branch: p1, p2, p3. Otto Perry photos: 5-30-23, Dolores: p1 |
#17 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
6-2-23, Durango: p1 7-4-38, scrap track, West Durango: p2 Leo Croonenberghs, maybe at Rico?: p1 |
#19 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Leo Croonenberghs photo w/Bert Nash:
Early 1900s: p1 |
#20 (1st) | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. | |
#20 (2nd) |
See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives.
See the Remaining Equipment page for details, current restoration info, and more photos. |
Hart Corbett photos; including a 1947 excursion which featured the only electrically-lit coach to ever
travel the RGS. (all from Yahoo RGS group):
7-16-47, Dolores p1 Mario Rapinett (current, at CRRM): p1 Leo Croonenberghs photo of (I think) the same trip, at Trout Lake: p1 Leo Croonenberghs: Mancos wye, 1930s? : p1 Dolores? p2 Wrecked w/ #40 at Cima 8-31-43? p3 Otto Perry photos: 5-30-23, Dolores: p1 9-6-41, Mancos: p1 p2 p3 p4 9-6-41, bridge 160-A: p1 9-6-41, Durango: p1 9-7-41, Dolores: p1 9-26-42, near Sawpit: p1 9-27-42, leaving Ridgway: p1 9-27-42, near Valley View: p1 9-27-42, near Hagen: p1 9-27-42, near Dallas Divide (Peak): p1 9-27-42, Dallas Divide (Peak): p1 p2 9-27-42, near Sams: p1 9-27-42, near Leonard: p1 9-27-42, near Brown: p1 p1 9-27-42, near Placerville: p1 p2 p2 9-27-42, Placerville: p1 9-27-42, near Vanadium: p1 9-27-42, Telluride branch, bridge 42-A ?: p1 9-27-42, just below Vance Jct, on Telluride branch: p1 6-23-44, bridge 68-A ?: p1 p2 6-23-44, near Muldoon: p1 p2 p3 6-23-44, near Stoner: p1 p2 6-23-44, near Raymond: p1 p2 6-23-44, near Stapleton: p1 p2 6-23-44, Dolores: p1 6-28-46, near Cima: p1 6-28-46, Hesperus: p1 p2 6-28-46, near Porter, bridge 146-B ? p1 6-28-46, Durango: p1 7-14-46, Glencoe: p1 10-26-46, near Hesperus: p1 5-30-47, Ridgway: p1 p2 5-30-47, near Ridgway: p1 5-30-47, approaching Dallas Divide (heading south): p1 5-30-47, Dallas Divide: p1 5-30-47, near Sams (bridge 18-A or 18-B?): p1 5-30-47, bridge 22-A: p1 5-30-47, Brown: p1 5-30-47, Placerville: p1 p2 5-30-47, near Vance Jct: p1 5-30-47, Ophir, on bridge 45-A: p1 5-30-47, near Leonard: p1 5-30-47, above Ophir, on bridge 46-D: p1 5-30-47, Lizard Head: p1 10-1-51, Lizard Head: p1 7-13-50, Ridgway: p1 10-13-51, Hesperus: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 5-23-51, Rico: p1 p1 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 5-23-51, below Rico: p1 p2 5-23-51, Montelores: p1 11-16-51, Montelores: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 5-23-51, below Montelores: p1 p2 p3 p4 5-23-51, near Kings: p1 5-23-51, Kings: p1 11-16-51, Kings: p1 p2 5-23-51, Bear Creek: p1 p2 p3 11-16-51, Bear Creek: p1 p2 p3 5-23-51, below Bear Creek: p1 p2 5-23-51, Stoner: p1 p2 south1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 5-23-51, north of Dolores: p1 p2 10-10-45, Dolores (some w/462 and Goose 5): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 (w/Bob!) 5-23-51, Dolores: p1 p2 p3 8-28-51, Dolores: p1 p2 p3 10-10-45, south of Dolores: p1 8-28-51, south of Dolores (w/346 dead): p1 p2 8-28-51, Glencoe (w/346 dead): p1 p2 8-28-51, Mancos (w/346 dead): p1 p2 8-28-51, Grady: p1 8-28-51, Cima Summit: p1 3-49, Durango (w/41): p1 9-14-48, Durango (w/461): p1 1953, Alamosa, en route to South Alamosa: p1 p2 4-1953, Ridgway: p1 p2 6-1-1953, South Alamosa: p1 19?, South Alamosa: p1 p2 12-28-54, South Alamosa (w/42): p1 p2 p3 p4 1955, South Alamosa: p1 p2 p3 1957, South Alamosa: p1 p2 p3 p4 9-1961, Golden: p1 p2 Other photos: Leo Croonenberghs, Durango, Emma Sweeny: p1 Wrecked w/ #40, 8-31-43: p2 Steve Eriksen, June 1950, Ridgway: p1 Steve Eriksen, June 1950, Ridgway: p1 p2 Clipper |
#22 (2nd) | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
5-28-23, Ridgway: p1 2-23-40, Ridgway: p1 p2 p3 6-30-40, Rico: p1 p2 p3 Leo Croonenberghs photos: Wrecked by flooding, 5-20-20, near Dolores: p1 Wildcat Canyon: p1 |
#25 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Leo Croonenberghs photos:
Washed out, Starvation Creek, 8-13-1909: p1 p2 |
#25 (2nd) | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. See also Crum, p206 for another of Leo's photos of this wreck. |
Leo Croonenberghs photos:
Wrecked, Dolores river, date & exact location unknown: p1 p2 p3 Otto Perry photos: 5-30-23, Dolores: p1 6-30-40, Ridgway (being stripped for parts): p1 9-2-40, Ridgway (being stripped for parts): p1 |
#40 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
10-24-40, Dallas Divide: p1 p2 p3 near 6-18-42, Dolores p1 6-19-42, Dolores p1 7-21-43, Hesperus (wrecked) p1 p2 Bob Richardson photos: 7-6-41, Ridgway: p1 p2 |
#41 |
See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives.
See the Remaining Equipment page for details, current restoration info, and more photos. |
Ted Van Klaveren photos (all at Knotts Berry Farm):
Approx 1968, red/yellow, named Red Cliff: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 1973, yellow/black, named Red Cliff: p1 (464 actually, still at Knotts) p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10   2002, black, lettered RGS: p1 p2 Otto Perry photos: 7-4-38, West Durango: p1 p2 6-30-40, Rico: p1 9-1-40, Ridgway: p1 10-1-47, Dolores: p1 6-20-48, near Mancos: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 3-49, Durango (w/20): p1 5-24-51, Ridgway (w/74 and 461): p1 p2 p3 Steve Eriksen, 1980, still gaugdy 'Red Cliff' at Knotts Berry Farm: p1 |
#42 |
See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives.
See the Remaining Equipment page for details, current restoration info, and more photos. |
Otto Perry photos:
7-4-38, Durango: p1 p2 p3 p4 10-19-41, Ridgway: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 10-13-45, Valley View: p1 9-10-52, near Franklin Jct: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 9-11-52, between Porter & Franklin Jct: p1 p2 9-11-52, between Franklin Jct & Durango: p1 9-11-52, Durango: p1 11-52, scrapping below Rico: p1 p2 11-6-52, scrapping near Millwood: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 11-52, between Rico & Dolores: p1 11-20-52, scrapping Mancos: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 11-20-52, scrapping near Menefee: p1 p2 11-19-52, scrapping near East Mancos: p1 p2 p3 11-19-52, scrapping Menefee: p1 p2 p3 p4 11-19-52, scrapping Grady: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 2-53, still scrapping Grady? (w/caboose 0404) p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 9-11-52, scrapping near Porter, Pine Ridge, Hesperus: p5 p1 p2 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 1952?, Durango: p1 9-10-52, Durango (turntable): p1 p2 p3 9-10-52, Durango (backing into yard): p1 p2 9-11-52, Durango (back from scrapping Hesperus): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 3-53, Durango (w/caboose 0404): p1 3-53, Durango: p1 p2 p3 8-53, Durango: p1 p2 (w/495) p3 p4 195?, South Alamosa: p1 p2 p3 p4 12-23-54, South Alamosa: p1 12-28-54, South Alamosa: p1 p2 p3 1955, South Alamosa: p1 (w/318) p2 p3 p4 Fritz Klinke photos: Aug 1958, Alamosa (?): p1 7-3-59, Magic Mountain (near Golden CO): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 Otto Perry photos: 1959, Magic Mountain (near Golden CO): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Steve Peck photos: 1958, Magic Mountain / Heritage Sq (near Golden CO): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 Summer 1959, Magic Mountain (near Golden CO): p1 p2 Steve Erickson photos: 1950s: p1 |
D&RG #61 | ||
#74 |
See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives.
See the Remaining Equipment page for details, current restoration info, and more photos. |
Otto Perry photos:
5-28-49, at Ridgway depot: p1 5-28-49, near Dallas Divide: p1 p2 5-28-49, bridge 18-C, near Sams: p1 5-28-49, bridge 22-A: p1 p2 5-28-49, Brown: p1 5-28-49, near Placerville: p1 5-28-49, Telluride: p1 5-28-49, just below Pandora: p1 9-1-51, Ridgway: p1 9-1-51, near Brown: p1 9-1-51, near Dallas Divide: p1 9-1-51, near Placerville: p1 p2 9-1-51, bridge 37-B (Bilk trestle): p1 9-1-51, Telluride: p1 9-2-51, near Vance Jct: p1 9-2-51, near Trout Lake: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 5-24-51, Ridgway (w/41 and 461): p1 p2 11-18-51, Ridgway: p1 9-25-51, bridge 19-A / Wade: p1 9-25-51, bridge 22-A / Green Mtn ranch: p1 p2 9-25-51, Brown: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 9-25-51, Placerville (w/452 and 461): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 wye wye2 near Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 1950, Valley View: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950, Brown: p1 Steve Eriksen, May 1950, Ophir: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950, Trout Lake: p1 Steve Eriksen, July 31, 1952, Ridgway: p1 |
D&RGW #227 |
Otto Perry photos:
5-30-23, Dolores: p1 |
D&RGW #319 | ||
D&RG #452 |
Otto Perry photos:
6-17-42, near Porter: p1 9-29-47, Mancos: p1 10-1-47, near Dolores: p1 10-1-47, leaving Mancos: p1 10-2-47, above Mancos: p1 10-2-47, near Hesperus: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 10-10-45, Dolores (w/319): p1 9-25-51, Placerville (w/461 and 74): p1 9-26-51, Dallas Divide: p1 p2 wye wye stub 9-26-51, Brown: p1 9-26-51, near Wade: p1 9-26-51, bridge 19-A, Wade: p1 11-18-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 11-18-51, Ridgway wye (w/461): p1 p2 11-18-51, Dallas Divide (w/461): p1 11-18-51, s of Dallas Divide: p1 11-18-51, bridge 22-A, at Green Mtn Ranch: p1 11-18-51, bridge 45-A, Ophir (w/461 and caboose 0400): p1 p2 p3 11-19-51, Brown: p1 p2 p3 11-19-51, Placerville (w/461): p1 11-19-51, Ophir: p1-on-46e p1-on-46f 11-19-51, bridge 58-A (w/461, north of Coke Ovens): p1 p2 p3 11-19-51, Coke Ovens (w/461): p1 11-20-51, Ridgway wye (w/461) p1 11-20-51, Brown: p1 11-20-51, near Bilk (derailed): p1 p2 p3 Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 1950, Ridgway (w/461): p1 |
D&RGW #453 |
Otto Perry photos:
6-30-40, Placerville: p1 |
D&RG #454 |
Otto Perry photos:
6-19-44, near Dallas Divide: p1 p2 | |
#455 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos: p8 p9 10-24-40, near Dallas Divide: p1 10-26-40, near Dallas Divide: p1 10-19-41, Ridgway: p1 10-19-41, just outside of Ridgway: p1 6-14-42, near Cima (w/D&RG 340): p1 6-14-42, leaving Mancos (w/D&RG 340): p1 6-14-42, near Hesperus (w/D&RG 340): p1 6-14-42, near Porter (is this Wildcat Canyon?): p1 10-17-42, Durango: p1 5-30-47, Ridgway: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 9-15-48, Dallas Divide (meeting Goose 3): p1 8-4-51, Durango (455 replacement drivers): p1 5-21-51, Dallas Divide: p1 |
D&RGW #459 |
Otto Perry photos:
10-17-41, leaving Durango: p1 10-17-41, north of Durango: p1 |
#461 | See the Locomotive Timeline page for detailed history of RGS locomotives. |
Otto Perry photos:
9-21-43, Hesperus: p1 6-29-46, west of Telluride (approaching): p1 6-29-46, near Vance Jct: p1 6-29-46, Windy Pt: p1 10-4-47, south of Placerville: p1 10-4-47, just south of Lizard Head: p1 p2 10-4-47, near Lizard Head: p1 10-4-47, south of Vance Jct: p1 10-4-47, bridge 45-A: p1 10-5-47, near Trout Lake: p1 10-5-47, near Wilson: p1 10-5-47, bridge 46-D: p1 6-20-48, bridge 158-B: p1 10-6-50, Rico: p1 10-2-51, near Dallas Divide: p1 10-5-51, near Sams: p1 10-5-51, near Brown: p1 10-5-51, near Fall Creek: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 7-6-41, Ridgway: p1 10-10-45, Dolores: p1 9-13-46, Ridgway: p1 9-16-46, Placerville wye: p1 p2 9-14-48, Durango (w/20): p1 9-15-48, s of Placerville: p1 p2 9-15-48, Rico: p1 x-51, Dallas Divide: p1 5-24-51, Ridgway (w/41 and 74): p1 8-20-51, Ridgway: p1 9-18-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 p3 9-20-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 p3 9-25-51, Placerville (w/452 and 74): p1 9-25-51, Lizard Head (w/caboose 0400, derailed plow/flanger 02): p1 9-26-51, n of Brown (maybe on bridge 18-C?): p1 9-26-51, s of Placerville: p1 p2 9-26-51, Trout Lake: p1 p2 9-26-51, Lizard Head: p1 p2 p3 p4 11-16-51, above Rico: p1 11-17-51, bridge 57-B(?), between Coke Ovens and Gallagher: p1 11-17-51, bridge 58-A, between Coke Ovens and Gallagher: p1 p2 11-17-51, Rico: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 11-18-51, Ridgway wye (w/452 helping): p1 p2 11-18-51, Dallas Divide (w/452 helping): p1 11-18-51, bridge 19-A Wade: p1 11-18-51, Placerville: p1 p2 11-18-51, near Bilk (n of Vance Jct): p1 11-18-51, bridge 45-A and near/at Ophir (w/452 and caboose 0400): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 11-19-51, Dallas Divide: p1 11-19-51, s of Dallas Divide, near Brown?: p1 p2 11-19-51, bridge 19-A, Wade, w/452): p1 11-19-51, Brown: p1 p2 11-19-51, Placerville: p1 p2 p3 p4 11-19-51, Ophir: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 11-19-51, Lizard Head (w/452): p1 p2 p3 11-19-51, Gallagher (w/452): p1 p2 11-19-51, bridge 58-A (w/452 helping, north of Coke Ovens): p1 p2 p3 11-19-51, Coke Ovens (w/452): p1 11-20-51, Ridgway wye (w/452): p1 p2 p3 11-20-51, Ridgway depot (w/caboose 0400): p1 p1 11-20-51, bridge 19-A, Wade: p1 11-20-51, near Brown: p1 11-20-51, Brown: p1 p2 11-20-51, Placerville: p1 11-20-51, between Sawpit and Bilk: p1 9-5-52, Coke Ovens: p1 p2 10-10-52, near Lizard Head (scrapping, w/caboose 0400): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 10-11-52, Lizard Head (scrapping, w/caboose 0400): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 11-7-52 (location unknown): p1 p2 p3 11-7-52, s of Vance Jct (scrapping): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 11-7-52, Ames (scrapping, w/caboose 0400): p1 11-7-52, bridge 44-A (scrapping, w/caboose 0400, at Butterfly): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 1950, Ridgway (w/452): p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950s, Rockwood: p1 |
D&RG #462 |
Otto Perry photos:
10-17-41, just north of bridge 160-A ? p1 9-23-43, above Fall Creek: p1 9-23-43, bridge 22-A: p1 9-28-46, Lost Canyon: p1 10-25-46, at Grady: p1 10-26-46, leaving Mancos: p1 10-4-47, bridge 45-A: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 10-10-45, Dolores (w/20 and Goose 5): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 |
D&RG #463 |
Otto Perry photos:
6-11-42, below Leonard: p1 6-11-42, near Dallas Divide: p1 6-11-42, below Sams: p1 6-11-42, leaving Placerville: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 8-10-49, bridges (?), Wildcat Canyon: p1 p2 p3 p4 8-10-49, n (above) Porter: p1 8-10-49, at / near Porter: p1 p2 p3 8-10-49, bridge 160-A (near Franklin Jct): p1 8-10-49, w of Durango: p1 p2 10-10-49, bridge 160-A (near Franklin Jct): p1 | |
D&RG #464 |
Otto Perry photos:
9-6-1941, near Mancos: p1 9-6-1941, near Hesperus: p1-n p2-s 9-6-1941, west of Porter: p1 9-6-1941, west of Durango: p1 9-6-1941, bridge 160-A: p1 6-26-45, near Leonard: p1 10-5-50, near Dallas Divide: p1 10-5-50, above Placerville: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 10-12-45, n end of Vance Jct yard: p1 p2 p3 p4 10-12-45, n of Vance Jct, above Bilk trestle, bridge 37-B: p1 p2 10-12-45, Ophir: p1 p2 p3 10-12-45, Matterhorn: p1 10-12-45, s (above) of Matterhorn: p1 p2 10-12-45, Lizard Head: p1 p2 10-13-45, n of Dallas Divide, near 455 wreck site, approx MP 11.2: p1 p2 p3 9-13-46, Dallas Divide (meeting Goose 3): p1 9-16-46, Dallas Divide (w/461): p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, between Dallas Divide & Brown (w/461): p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, bridge 18-C? / between Dallas Divide & Brown (w/461): p1 9-16-46, bridge 22-A / Green Mtn Ranch (w/461): p1 9-16-46, Brown: p1 9-16-46, s of Brown (w/461): p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, Placerville (w/461): p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, s of Placerville: p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, Ophir: p1 p2 9-16-46, Trout Lake: p1 p2 p3 9-16-46, appraching Lizard Head: p1 p2 9-16-46, Lizard Head: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 9-16-46, n of Coke Ovens: p1 p2 p3 p4 9-16-46, Coke Ovens: p1 p2 9-16-46, bridge 64-A, Burns Canyon: p1 p2 9-15-48, Placerville (w/Goose 3): p1 p2 8-7-50, Franklin Jct: p1 p2 8-7-50, Bridge 160-A: p3 8-7-50, Porter: p1 8-7-50, Durango: p1 1951, between Dolores and Durango: p1 8-8-51, between Bear Creek and Stoner (tender derailed): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 10-3-51, Durango: p1 p2 12-17-51, between Cima and Hesperus: p1 p2 p3 12-17-51, bridge 146-A, Hesperus: p1 12-17-51, between Hesperus and Pine Ridge: p1 12-17-51, Pine Ridge: p1 p2 p3 p4 12-17-51, Pine Ridge and Porter: p1 12-17-51, Porter: p1 12-17-51, at / near Durango: p1 p2 p3 12-19-51, Pine Ridge (last fright to Dolores): p1 p2 12-19-51, (between Durango and Dolores): p1 p2 12-19-51, Durango (last freight to Dolores): p1 p2 p2 Leo Croonenbergs photos: 12-24-44, S of Millwood (MP 117.6), #464 on the ground with #318 rescuing: p1 p2 Dallas Divide: p3 John West photos: Oct 1964, Durango (abandoned / in storage): p1 Steve Eriksen, 1976, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 p2 |
Number | Details | Pics |
Signal boxes |
There's an interesting discussion, with photos, of the signal boxes that were used to hold lanterns on top the cupolas of RGS cabeese at various times in history. See here for more information, from the NG Discussion Board. |
#0400 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
Built 9-1890 Built new for RGS (by D&RG, cost $875) Used in scrapping operations Left in Ridgway after 1952 |
Bob Richardson photos:
9-15-46, Rico: p1 6-18-50, Ridgway: p1 8-4-51, (Ridgway?): p1 9-25-51, Lizard Head (w/461, derailed plow/flanger 02): p1 10-3-51, Durango: p1 11-18-51, bridge 45-A, Ophir: p1 11-19-51, scrapping, Placerville (w/0401 and 0409): p1 10-10-52, near Lizard Head (scrapping, w/461): p1 p2 p3 10-11-52, Lizard Head (scrapping, w/461): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 11-7-52, Ames (scrapping, w/461): p1 11-7-52, bridge 44-A (scrapping, w/461 at Butterfly): p1 p2 p3 p4 Jun 1, 1955, Ridgway (w/box 2101 and outfit 0260): p1 p2 Jul 1960, Ridgway: p1 (w/box 2101 and outfit 0260) Dave - 2005, Georgetown: Daves pic Shane pics (from Georgetown): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Bill's interior pics |
#0401 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
Built 9-1890 Built new for RGS (by D&RG, cost $875) Dynamited by vandals in 1958 |
Bob Richardson photos:
10-10-45, Dolores (w/462): p1 p2 p3 5-24-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 11-19-51, scrapping, Placerville (w/0400 and 0409): p1 |
#0402 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
Built 1-1891 for D&RG |
Currently operating at Knott's Berry Farm on the
Ghost Town & Calico RR:
Dave: p1 NG Circle: main: p1 p2 p3 Steve E: 1974: Ted Van K: p1 Jeff T: p1 p2 Other photos: (date/location unknown): p1 |
#0403 | ||
#0404 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
Built 1902 Built new for RGS Used on last RGS train 12-27-51 |
Otto Perry photos:
6-30-40, Ridgway (in background): p1 9-2-40, Ridgway (in background): p1 6-20-48, Hesperus: p1 p2 6-20-48, Mancos: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 9-16-48, Durango: p1 11-19-49, Durango: p1 8-6-50, Durango: p1 p2 11-52, scrapping, s of Rico: p1 p2 11-6-52, scrapping, near Millwood: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 11-16-51, Bear Creek: p1 p2 p3 11-20-52, last train from Mancos: p1 2-53, scrapping, Grady (w/42): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 3-53, Durango (w/42): p1 1953, post-scrapping, Alamosa (w/D&RG caboose 0503 / diesel 73): p1 p2 p3 p4 1953, on display, Bob's Narrow Gauge Museum: p1 11-1953, on display, Bob's Narrow Gauge Museum: p1 Other photos: 7-16-41, Dallas Divide: p1 8-41, Ridgway (Jeff Taylor): p1 11-4-95, CRRM (Dave): p1 My photos: Jun 2007, at CRRM: pics Bill's photos: 2010, at CRRM: RGS list photos |
#0409 |
Bob Richardson photos:
7-5-41, Durango: p1 11-17-51, scrapping, Rico: p1 11-19-51, scrapping, Placerville (w/0400 and 0401): p1 11-52, scrapping, Dallas Divide: p1 Steve Peck photos: 1958, Magic Mountain / Heritage Sq (near Golden CO): p1 p2 Other photos: Disney Tokyo: p1 |
Number | Details | Pics |
n/a |
San Cristobal goose - express compartment only (after it was returned to the RGS).
See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
#2 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Bob Richardson photos:
8-9-51, Ridgway: p1 4-53, Ridgway (just before moving to South Alamosa?): p1 4-53, South Alamosa (Bob's motel grounds), w/ #20: p1 p2 p3 195x, South Alamosa (w/John and Josie Crum, at Bob's motel grounds): p1 p2 p3 (w/ Crums!) p4 195x, South Alamosa (Bob's motel grounds): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 1960, CRRM: p1 Ridgway: p1 My photos: 6-2007, at CRRM: pics |
#3 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Bob Richardson photos:
10-11-45, Telluride transfer: p1 p2 10-11-45, Ophir: p1 p2 10-11-45, Matterhorn: p1 10-11-45, Lizard Head: p1 10-11-45, Rico: p1 p2 10-13-45, near Placerville (stuck because of a mudslide): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 10-13-45, bridge 51-A, near Trout Lake: p1 10-13-45, Rico: p1 9-15-46, at bridge 22-A, Green Mountain Ranch: p1 9-15-46, at bridge 58-A, south of Lizard Head: p1 1946, south of Placerville: p1 p2 p3 9-13-46, Dallas Divide (meeting 464): p1 9-15-48, Dallas Divide (meeting 455): p1 9-15-48, Placerville (w/464): p1 p2 p3 p4 9-15-48, Telluride transfer point: p1 p2 8-4-51, Ridgway: p1 8-4-51, Placerville (w/ Goose 4): p1 8-4-51, Ophir: p1 p2 p3 8-4-51, Trout Lake (w/ Goose 4): p1 p2 8-4-51, Lizard Head: p1 9-5-52, ready for scrapping, Telluride: p1 p2 9-25-52, scrapping near Telluride: p1 p2 Leo Croonenbergs: Vance Jct: p1 Steve Eriksen: 1950s, Placerville: p1 June 1950, Ridgway?: p1 July 1950, Lizard Head: p1 1974, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 Ted Van Klavern photos: 1973, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 ~1996, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 |
#4 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Bob Richardson photos:
10-11-45, Placerville: p1 10-11-45, Telluride transfer: p1 9-15-48, Ophir: p1 9-15-48(?), Telluride transfer? (w/loco 455): p1 p2 8-9-49, Rio Lado Lodge: p1 5-23-51, Dallas Divide: p1 p2 p3 p4 5-23-51, Rio Lado Lodge: p1 p2 5-23-51, Stoner: p1 8-4-51, Ridgway: p1 8-4-51, Placerville (w/ Goose 3): p1 p2 8-4-51, Trout Lake (w/ Goose 3): p1 p2 8-4-51, Lizard Head: p1 8-4-51, Telluride: p1 Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 1950, Ridgway: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1951, Placerville: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1951, Ophir (bridge 46-D): p1 Mike, 1972, Telluride: p1 |
#5 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Bob Richardson photos:
10-10-45, Dolores (w/462 and 20): p1 p2 p3 7-26-50, Durango: p1 p2 8-29-51, at / sb leaving Dolores: p1 p2 8-29-51, Mancos: p1 8-29-51, East Mancos: p1 p2 8-29-51, Grady: p1 8-29-51, near Cima: p1 11-6-52, Dolores (sitting on dirt where coaling spurs used to be): p1 Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 6-7-1947, Lizard Head: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950, Ridgway: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950, Dolores: p1 Steve Eriksen, July 31, 1952, Ridgway: p1 Steve Eriksen, June 1953, Dolores (notice the lack of rails!): p1 Mike, 1972, Telluride: p1 |
#6 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Bob Richardson photos:
9-13-46, Dallas Divide (w/ 464): p1 1951, Dolores: p1 8-9-51, Rico: p1 11-16-51, Bear Creek: p1 11-16-51, between Bear Creek & Stoner: p1 12-19-51, Hesperus: p1 12-19-51, Durango: p1 p2 9-5-52, Dolores: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 10-10-52, near Muldoon (at washout site): p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 10-11-52, Muldoon: p1 p2 p3 6-16-53, Hesperus: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 My photos: 6-2007, at CRRM: pics |
#7 | See the Goose Timeline page for detailed history of RGS Galloping Geese. |
Ted Van Klaveren photos:
Summer 1972, still at Brinkerhoff Brothers scrap yard: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 Other photos: Leo Croonenbergs, Dolores: p1 Steve Eriksen, 1950, Ridgway: p1 10-10-52, Montelores: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 10-11-52, Montelores: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 11-6-52, Priest Gulch: p1 6-53, Grady (scrapping the RGS): p1 3-58, Poncha Junction (scrapping D&RG track): p1 4-12-67, (at Brinkerhoff Brothers scrap yard): p1 p2 1985, rotting interior, at CRRM: p1 6-2007, during restoration, at CRRM: pics 2009, new interior, at CRRM: p1 p1 2010, at CRRM: RGS list pics |
Number | Details | Pics |
Coach 252 | See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. | |
Coach 256 | See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. | |
B-20, Edna | See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. |
Otto Perry photos:
7-13-46, Ridgway: p1 p2 5-28-49, near Placerville: p1 5-28-49, near Telluride: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 10-14-45, Ridgway: p1 Ted Van Klavern photos: Approx 1968, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 p2 bonus -Durango's interior Maybe 2001, during restoration? Knotts Berry Farm: p1 p2 Steve Eriksen photos: 1950, Ridgway: p1 1984, Knotts Berry Farm: p1 Rickard Jackson photo: 1950s, Ridgway: p1 |
B-21, 021, Rico | See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. |
1882-1900(?), near Lizard Head(?) (w/Rgs #9):
1900s(?), below Lizard Head (w/Rgs #1): p1 p2 My photos: Jun 2007, at CRRM: pics Bill's photos: 2010, at CRRM: RGS list photos |
Number | Details | Pics |
Box 1789 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
40000 lb Built 1887 Oldest remaining car in CO Last use on RGS was in water service. RGS Tech page: 01789 info Quickpic book: QuickPic 01789 Modeling photos: Mark Evans Mark Evans writes that "the 01789 car has a galvanized metal roof. That was added when it went into work car service. Many of the RGS work cars had the galvanized roof added." |
Current pics (at CRRM): NG cir pic RGS Tech Pg pics Dave: pic Travis: pic My photos: Jun 2007, at CRRM: pics |
Box 1885 |
Bridge & Building car ? lb Built ? | 10-11-52, Coke Ovens (runaway, off end-of-track during scrapping): p1 p2 |
Reefer 2102 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
ex C&S steel-underframe reefer, received by RGS in 1938 Converted to an outfit car, painted oxide red (Thanks to Jeff Osborne for this info) |
9-5-52, Coke Ovens:
p1 (w/stock 7304 and outfit 0260)
Other photos: Georgetown Loop (Steve P): p1 My photos: Jun 2007, at CRRM: pics |
Box 2103 |
ex C&S steel-underframe reefer, received by RGS in 1938 I think this was never painted for the RGS, and was surplus. It was gone by the end of RGS operations. (Thanks to Jeff Osborne for this info) |
9-5-52, Coke Ovens: p1 (w/stock 7304 and outfit 0260) |
Box 8607 | Later converted to a work car; originally C&S 8179. |
Dave's photos:
Summer 2005: p1 |
Box 8714 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
5-25-51, Ridgway:
p1 (w/box 8605)
Dave's photos: 6-6-04, CRRM: p1 |
Combination 021 |
10-52: p1 |
Coach 0256 |
10-11-52, Coke Ovens (runaway, off end-of-track during scrapping):
5-23-51, Dolores: p1 |
Coach 0258 | 7-26-50, Dolores: p1 | |
Coach 0260 |
5-23-51, Dolores:
9-5-52, Coke Ovens: p1 (w/stock 7304 and reefer 2102) Steve Eriksen, 1953, Ridgway: p1 Jun 1, 1955, Ridgway (w/box 2101 and caboose 0400): p1 p2 Hart Corbett photos (all from Yahoo RGS group): 7-26-60, Ridgway: p1 p2 (w/box 2101 and caboose 0400) |
Ditcher 030 | 9-20-36, Gunison: p1 (w/ flat 01283) | |
Flanger #1 | 9-16-48, Durango: p1 p2 | |
Plow flanger #2 |
Otto Perry photos:
10-6-50, Rico: p1 Bob Richardson photos: 7-26-50, Dolores: p1 p2 8-4-51, Lizard Head (derailed): p1 p2 p3 9-25-51, Lizard Head (derailed, w/461, caboose 0400): p1 p2 Other photos: Steve Eriksen, 1951, Dallas Divide: p1 |
Rotary #2 |
DPL Photos:
9-1-40, Ridgway: p1 6-18-50, Ridgway: p1 Leo Croonenberghs: 2-2-1914, Rotary fell thru bridge 89-A: p1 p2 1915, mp58 (near Lizard Hd), possibly bridge 58-B: p3 1916: p4 p5 p6 Details unknown: p7 p8 p9 |
Speeders | The RGS used a number of speeders (or popcars, or inspection cars) to inspect the track and transport section crews and work materials to various locations for minor repairs. |
1953, Grady; What a sad day - Josie & John Crum during scrapping (Bob Richardson): p1 p2 2006, Ridgway Museum: typical 200-, Orange Empire Railway Museum (Paris, CA) (photo by Jeff Taylor): small |
Number | Details | Pics |
Box(?) 1560 | ||
8605 | 5-25-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 (w/outfit 8714) | |
Number | Details | Pics |
01283 | 9-20-36, Gunison: p1 (w/ ditcher 030) | |
7470 | 2-53, Grady: p1 |
Number | Details | Pics |
2101 |
See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos.
ex C&S 1113, steel-underframe reefer, received by RGS in 1938 Of the 3 reefer received from the C&S, this was the only one that remained in reefer use & colors until the end of RGS operations. (Thanks to Jeff Osborne for this info) |
5-51, Ridgway:
8-9-51, Ridgway: p1 11-20-51, Ridgway: p1 p2 RGS list pic2 RGS list pic3 RGS list pic4 6-53, Ridgway: p1 Jun 1, 1955, Ridgway (w/outfit 0260 and caboose 0400): p1 p2 Hart Corbett photos (all from Yahoo RGS group): 7-26-60, Ridgway: p1 p2 p3 p4 (w/caboose0400 and outfit 0260) 1965, Ridgway (Bob Richardson): p1 6-6-04, CRRM: Daves pic |
Other links:
Dave's Stock Car page
Mario's video overview of a D&RG stock car; lotsa details!
Number | Details | Pics |
7064 | 1960, CRRM: p1 | |
7201 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7064 Went to RGS on 7-13-1938 Went to Reno c1942 Now at CRRM Single deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
7202 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7035 Went to RGS on 7-15-1938 Sold to Chicago Freight Car Parts Co Aug-4-42 Single deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
7203 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7052 Went to RGS on 8-15-1938 Sold to Chicago Freight Car Parts Co Aug-4-42 Single deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
7204 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7051 Went to RGS on 8-31-1938 Sold to Chicago Freight Car Parts Co Aug-4-42 Single deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
7205 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7057 Went to RGS on 9-7-1938 Sold to Chicago Freight Car Parts Co Aug-4-42 Single deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
7251 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7015 Went to RGS on 8-31-1938 Double deck, wood underframe, arch bar trucks |
10-11-52: p1 p2 |
7301 | (I don't have any details) |
Otto Perry photos: 6-20-45, Chama: p1 Dave's photos: 11-4-95, CRRM: p1 |
7302 |
Built 1901 as C&S 7081 Went to RGS on 8-18-1938 This car # replaced by car 7201 c1942. Single deck, wood underframe, cast steel trucks See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. |
1953, Dallas Divide:
Bob Richardson photos: 1955, South Alamosa: p1 |
7303 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7080 Went to RGS on 8-21-1938 Carbody on Dallas Divide 1972 Single deck, wood underframe, cast steel trucks See the Remaining Equipment page for details and more photos. |
1953, Dallas Divide: p1 |
7304 |
Built 1900 as C&S 7016 Went to RGS on 8-27-1938 Single deck, wood underframe, cast steel trucks |
9-5-52, Coke Ovens: p1 (w/reefer 2102 and outfit 0260) |
7401 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7095 Went to RGS on 7-18-1938 Single deck, steel underframe, cast steel trucks |
10-14-1945, Montrose: p1 |
7406 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7085 Went to RGS on 8-25-1938 Single deck, steel underframe, cast steel trucks |
10-14-1945, Montrose: p1 |
7451 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7097 Went to RGS on 8-5-1938 Converted to a flat car 8-13-42 (SSJ says 10-20-42) Remained on RGS until the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7453 | (I don't have any details) |
Otto Perry photos: 11-17-45, at Gunnison: p1 |
7454 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7108 Went to RGS on 8-9-1938 Converted to a flat car before the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7455 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7106 Went to RGS on 8-15-1938 Converted to a flat car by 1951 Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
5-25-51, Ridgway (after conversion to a flat car): p1 11-20-51, Ridgway: p1 |
7456 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7103 Went to RGS on 8-18-1938 Converted to a flat car by 1953 Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
11-20-53, Dallas Divide: p1 |
7457 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7092 Went to RGS on 8-18-1938 Converted to a flat car 8-13-42 (SSJ says 10-20-42) Remained on RGS until the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7460 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7112 Went to RGS on 8-23-1938 Converted to flat car sometime before end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7463 | (I don't have any details) |
Otto Perry photos: 11-17-45, at Gunnison: p1 |
7465 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7115 Went to RGS on 8-28-1938 Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
9-46, Chama: p1 |
7467 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7088 Went to RGS on 8-28-1938 Converted to a flat car 4-46 Remained on RGS until the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7468 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7098 Went to RGS on 9-2-1938 Converted to a flat car by 1952 Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7469 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7133 Went to RGS on 9-11-1938 Converted to a flat car 8-13-42 (SSJ says 10-20-42) Remained on RGS until the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7470 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7100 Went to RGS on 9-11-1938 Converted to a flat car before the end Double-deck, steel frame, cast steel trucks |
7471 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7110 Went to RGS on 9-11-1938 Double deck, steel underframe, cast steel trucks |
10-11-52: p1 |
7472 |
Built 1910 as C&S 7091 Went to RGS on 9-10-1938 Double deck, steel underframe, cast steel trucks |
© Steven Haworth 2025. All rights reserved. |
Revised 3-3-23 | Back to RGS home | Silence now reigns |
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