
Rio Grande Southern RR - Models, Kits, and Decals

A lot of small manufacturers have wonderful kits specific to the RGS or the related D&RGW. But it's often hard to find these manufacturers, and hard to know what's available. So, I've decided to attempt a listing of the various kits, models and decals available, organized by town along the RGS right-of-way. If you have additions to the list, I'll be happy to add them. Just email me at with some details and I'll add it here.

Note - I did decide to include out-of-print (oop) kits below, since you can sometimes still find them on eBay. Anything I know of that's no longer produced, I'll label as (OOP) - out of production

There are some additional notes at the bottom of the page - for instance recent news is that Raggs and Narrow Gauge Colorada have closed, Black Bear Construction Co's owner has passed away and the trestle-jig business is now closed, Fast Tracks has purchased Mt. Albert Scale Lumber and will soon offer online ordering. And there's a new manufacturer - McCarville Studios that's producing a ton of new RGS kits, mostly structures not previously offered by anyone. And Monster is back as well, with lots of new products and kits in production.

Start your shopping here - with Amazon, Alibris, eBay.


Boxcar storage shed Banta Modelworks

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N, HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Depot Banta Modelworks

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
(kitbash the Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC
Raggs-to-Riches (OOP)
(includes outhouse / coal shed)

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Depot Outhouse / Coal Shed Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Office Building GC LaserKit

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
GC Laser
Banta Modelworks

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(O is OOP)
Wood Craftsman
CC Crow
(sold out, but re-run in 2014)

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HO Plaster CC Crow
McCarville Studios
(limited run)

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HO Resin
McCarville Studios
Roundhouse Banta Modelworks

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(O is OOP)
Urethan / Plaster / Wood Banta
CC Crow
(sold out, but re-run in 2014)

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HO Plaster CC Crow
McCarville Studios
(7 stalls, limited run)

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HOn3 Resin
McCarville Studios
Sandhouse Banta Modelworks
(Tom's notes, more)

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N, HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turntable - 50' Diamond Scale
(65' instead of 50')
N, HO, S, O Plaster / Wood / Plastic
Dalziel Models On3 Resin Dalziel Models
PO Box 2481
Fulton TX 78358
Model Masterpieces

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HOn3 Plastic ?
Yard Outbuildings McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios

Dallas Divide / Brown

Brown Bunk House McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Brown Coal Shed McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Brown Section House McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Brown Speeder Shed McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Dallas Divide Bunk House Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Handcar Shed Banta Modelworks

(also works for Mancos; painted red here, red at Dallas Divide) This was originally a Building & Structure Co kit.

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Outbuildings McCarville Studios

Including Tool Shed, Outhouses, Coal Bin

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Ranch House McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Section House Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman

Saw Pit

Store JL Innovative Designs

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
JL Innov
Narrow Gauge Colorado HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado

Vance Junction

Coal Pocket
Burnet & Clifton
McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Crystal River

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
Illium Station
(proposed but never built)
Model Masterpieces

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HO ? ?
Classic Miniatures

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HO Wood Craftsman Trout Crk
Outbuildings Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Section House Banta Modelworks
(Tom's notes)

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman


Barn at the Wye McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Cafe-Bar McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Placerville Conoco Oil McCarville Studios

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HO, S(?) Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Depot Raggs-to-Riches

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Model Power
(rework Station & Freight Shed kit)

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HO Plastic ?
Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado
Depot Restroom McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Garage Monster Modelworks

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Gas Station McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Post Office McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Primos ore bin / tram house Campbell

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell
Crystal River

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
Three different houses, based on prototype photos
McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Schoolhouse McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Store Monster Modelworks

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Trackside house McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Warehouse -RGS McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Warehouse B Flour and Feed McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado
Warehouse -Corrugated Iron Grandt Line

Conoco / Texaco oil complex
(Kit #5908)
(Raised Platform Warehouse)

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HO Plastic San Juan Model Co


BATHS Building Raggs-to-Riches

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Brunswick Saloon Raggs-to-Riches
(Tom's notes)

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Telluride Conoco Oil McCarville Studios

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HO, S(?) Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Depot Banta Modelworks
(Tom's notes)

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(O is OOP)
Wood Craftsman

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
(kitbash 2 Rural snap-plastic kits)

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HO Plastic IHC
Depot Outhouse / Tool Shed Banta Modelworks
(Tom's notes)

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(HO, O are OOP)
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Enginehouse McCarville Studios

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HOn3 Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
FD Works

(aka Works Hardware)
Classic Minatures

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HO Wood Craftsman Trout Crk
Narrow Gauge Colorado
(special order)
HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado
(includes dock served by RGS spur)
(flat-only kit also available, O scale only)

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Newspaper Office McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
OK Clothing Shop McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Pandora Boiler House Banta Modelworks

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(O is OOP)
Wood Craftsman
Shoe Shop McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Speeder Shed McCarville Studios

This shed also works for the one at Brown

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Swede Fin
Fraternal Hall
McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios

Ophir / Matterhorn

Bridge 45-B Blackstone Valley HO, S, O Wood Craftsman Blackstone
Butterfly Mill Office McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Depot Banta Modelworks

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N, HO, S, O, F/G Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Classic Minatures

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HO Wood Craftsman Trout Crk
(rework the Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC
Depot Outhouse
Section Car shed
Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O, F/G Wood Craftsman Banta
Oilton / Gilton Club Banta Modelworks

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N, HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood / Plaster
House @ End of Trestle Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Matterhorn Section House San Juan Details

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
San Juan Details
Mrs. Skillens Store Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Ophir General Merchandise Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Tram House Banta Modelworks

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N, HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood / Resin / Metal
FinestKind Models

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S Wood Craftsman Turner Model Wrks

Lizard Head

Bunk House Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Hand Car Shed Banta Modelworks

This was orignally a Building and Structure Co kit.

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eBay 2
HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Section House Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman

Trout Lake

Outhouses (Galloping Geese) JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

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HO Wood Craftsman JL Innov
Trout Lake
Water Tank
JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

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HO Wood Craftsman JL Innov
Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado


Bridge 64-A Blackstone Valley ? Wood Craftsman Blackstone


Atlantic Cable Mine Wild West Models

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HO, S(tba), O(tba) Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Wild West
Bunk House Banta Modelworks

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Coal Pocket
Burnet & Clifton
McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Crystal River

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
Coal / Wood Bins Banta Modelworks

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Wolf Designs / Design Tech

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N, HO(?) Resin Wolf Designs
(tower existed until 1936)
Banta Modelworks

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Raggs-to-Riches (OOP)
Tower is included, but optional.
Freight house is full-length.

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HO, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman

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HO Plastic IHC
(approx model)
O Plastic ?
Depot - outbuildings Banta Modelworks

(Outhouse, hose shed, storage shed)

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Enginehouse Enginehouse
Resin walls, plus doors, windows, etc

HOn3 Resin
Rocky Mtn Model Works

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S Plaster Rocky Mtn
Pro Patria Mill Banta Modelworks

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N, HO, S, O, F/G Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
(Extra HO detail kit)
Sequoia Scale Models
Detail Set
HO Metal Turner Model Wrks
Rico Outbuildings Banta Modelworks

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Rip VanWinkle Mine
(marketed as Leaverite Mine)
Builders in Scale

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HO, O Wood Craftsman ?
Sand House McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Section Car Shed
(near wye, s end of yard)
Commercial Scale Models (S)

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Wolf Designs

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HOn3, HO Resin Wolf Designs
Also was offered by NG Colorado)
Telephone Booths Wolf Designs

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HO, HO Resin Wolf Designs
Tool Shed
Water Tank Banta Modelworks

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado


(essentially the Ophir depot, reversed)
American Model Builders

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Banta Modelworks

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(O is OOP)
Wood Craftsman
(rework the Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC
Depot Restrooms McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Flour Mill Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado
Goose Shed Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
NG Colorado
Montezuma Fruit Co. Warehouse McCarville Studios

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HO, S(?) Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Oil tanks / shacks
CONOCO facilities

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Section Foreman's House Raggs-to-Riches

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman




Depot IHC
(kitbash the Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC
Model Power
(rework Station & Freight Shed kit)

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HO Plastic ?

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Handcar Shed Banta Modelworks

(also works for Dallas Divide; painted red at Dallas Divide, depot buff here) This was originally a Building & Structure Co kit.

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Hotel Lemmon Raggs-to-Riches

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O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman


Depot IHC
(rework the Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC

Ute Junction

Coal Tipple Blackstone Valley ? Wood Craftsman Blackstone

West Durango



Car Repair Barn Scale Structures Limited

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HO Wood Craftsman SS Ltd
FinestKind Models

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turner Model Wrks
Coaling tower Campbell

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell
Model Power / Pola

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HO Plastic ?
O, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Depot Raggs-to-Riches
O(oop), S(oop), HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Model Masterpieces

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HO Wood Craftsman ?
IHC / Railway Design
(kitbash Rway Design D&LW kit w/IHC Rico kit)

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HO Plastic IHC
Roundhouse CC Crow

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HO(tba), S(oop), O Plaster CC Crow
Roundhouse brickwork Cibolo Crossing

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HO Plaster castings ?
Monster Modelworks

HO (OOP) 3d laser-cut brick walls Monster
Sandhouse Campbell

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell

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HO Plastic IHC

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S(tba?) ? PBL

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O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turntable - 65' Diamond Scale N, HO, S, O Plaster / Wood / Plastic
Model Masterpieces

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HO, O Plastic / Metal
Wiseman Model Srv
(new version of Model Masterpieces kit)
(pit not incl)

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On3, On30 Wood / Resin / Metal Craftsman Wiseman
Water Tank Campbell

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell

Some Notes

  • Banta Modelworks has transferred it's Ridgway outbuildings to McCarville Studios, who will continue to produce them - along with all his other NEW Rgs kits. And Mike did a limited run of the Roundhouse as well. His list of kits is growing rapidly!

  • McCarville Studios has acquired the HO-scale kit line from Crystal River Products, including the Vance Jct Coal Pocket, stockyards, and stock chute. The S- and O-scale versions of those kits will continue to be offered by Crystal River. In addition, some O-scale kits product by McCarville will now be offered by Crystal River instead.

  • Campbell Scale Models and Narrow Gauge Colorado have both shut down their business, in early 2023.

  • San Juan Details has purchased a number of companies and product lines. They purchased Grandt Line's entire line - now called San Juan Details'. They also handle San Juan Decals, The Leadville Shops, American Limited Models, San Juan Car Company.

  • Rusty Rails has a great line of O and HO scale castings and details, as well as structure kits.

  • Rusty Stumps has sold it's line of lasercut windows and doors, to Rail Scale Models, and now focuses on a limited line of kits and amazing, huge line of 3D-printed details.

  • Sep 2017: Bershire Valley Models has purchased Anvil Mountain Models line of structures (HO, S, O) and horses / wagons (O).

  • Sep 2017: Black Bear Scale Models's owner has passed away, and his site and business (which produced RGS, DRGW, and related trestle jibs) are closed now. But - and this is why this archive site is AMAZING - you can see find the articles and reference documentation from that site today, on the Web Archive of his old site.

  • Bill Banta purchased the many small laser-cut structure kits formerly made by the Building & Structure Company.

  • Raggs to Riches has closed his business. The references on this page have been updated appropriately. His website is still up, for reference. These are amazing kits - worth finding if you can!

  • Builders-in-Scale has been purchased by CC Crow, and now has a new website.

  • JL Innovative Design purchased the old Durango Press line of HO kits.

  • Wiseman Model Services has purchased a number of model lines, including the old Durango Press line of On3 kits, Sn3 Triangle Scale kits, Rogers Locomotive Works kits, V&T Shops kits, the HO and O gauge kits of Smoky Mountain Model Works, Railway Engineering Agency, and National Motor Company HO and O scale kits. They carry some of the Durango Press kits as well.

  • Trout Creek Engineering has acquired the Classic Miniatures and Taurus line of structures, cars & parts, and still produce the Tomalco line in HO, S and O. They also handle the BK Enterprises line of turnout kits and parts.

  • LaBelle Models purchased the old Ye Olde Huff-n-Puff, which included Main Line Models, Silver Streak, Sugar Pine Models, AC Models, LW Models, and Steward Products. They carry both car kits and structures, HO, HOn3, S, O and On3. Other products include Silver Streak parts, and YOHP turnout links. I'm not sure what's currently still available of these old lines, but at least LaBelle's own kits are all available (Feb 2023).

  • Turner Model Wrks purchased Sequoia Scale Models some years back. The Sequoia link included HO structures and details, and numerous details appropriate for narrow gauge layouts, ash pits and other small structures, and a metal detail set for the Pro Patria mill. They are still active; see the link above (Feb 2023).

  • Narrow Gauge Colorado closed in early 2023, and their website is gone now. They did a number of nice RGS kits on their own, as well as selling related kits which others did.

  • I'm trying to limit this page to kits specific to RGS and (where relevant) D&RGW. I have more general listings of model companies for scenery, structures, paint, decals etc on my links page.

Fun Details

  • A posting on the RGS groups.io list early in 2024 shared some details about RGS depot interiors, who is friends with the daughter of the last station agent in Rico, Colorado. He asked her about the interior of the depot as she remembers it. This is her response:

    "As you have seen depot through time upstairs and lobby had a wains-coat of wood. It was a honey golden brown. Above it the walls (as I think I remember) were honey golden paint. The freight room had no wood just paint; a golden yellow paint only. There were shelves on east and west walls, 4 layers of shelving. A wide system of shelves in the middle - 4 layers. We could walk completely around the middle system. It was absolutely beautiful upstairs and in the lobby."

    The posting added that that above the agent's desk, there was a large steel grate in the ceiling. And thus, in the floor of the residence above. She stated that she could lower paper dolls down on a thread to tease her mother!

Links to Other Resources

  • A recent find for me was the JLC razor saw, which is made in the Czech Republic but is much finer than other saws I've used. It includes a tiny mitor box that's great for precision cuts in scaled-sized stripwood.

  • Another item I found - the smallProxxon saw, perfect for scratching building trestles, and cutting your own stripwood. The Modeler'sGuild on FB had a great discussion on using this for HO scale projects, on Dec-2-2017.

  • Books, Reference Works, Videos
  • Modeling Books, Workbooks, Plans
  • Manufacturer Listing
  • There are some amazing resources on RGS trestles. Here's two very detailed articles on RGS trestle construction, by Bob Hyman and Bill White. Bob has a second section on building model trestles in general, and an article on building bridge 45-B specifically. And Duane Richardson has a clinic on building RGS-style trestles. And finally, here's some D&RG Standard Plans for lots of items, including bridges.

  • Paul Richardson has a clinic on building turntables economically.

  • Custom decails in any lettering style, for example older period rolling stock, is available from Leadville Designs.

  • Tom Troughton had a great site with lots of modeling notes and articles on building NG and RGS kits, (saved here on Wayback Machine) including plaster kits and building many RGS-specific kits. He passed away in April 2016.

  • CC Crow has various notes on model building.

  • Mike Blazek has VERY detailed workbooks & plans for most of the RGS. His granddaughter Katelyn Blazek is handling orders now but plans are still available; see his website http://blazeksplan.com.

  • Western Scale Models is back in production, now owned by Wild West Models.

  • Real coal! Mike Conder is selling bags of screened, cleaned coal appropriate for tenders, gondolas, etc. It's real coal from a number of narrow gauge locations, so you can get actual D&RG coal, RGS, coal, etc. Cost is very reasonable for a bag that'll fill about a dozen gondolas. Email him for details, at:

  • And how about a shirt or hat? The Galloping Goose Historical Society has a great selection available.

General - Structures

Ashpit Durango Press

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HO Wood Craftsman JL Innov
FinestKind Models

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O Resin Turner Model Wrks
S Plaster PBL
Turner Models

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HO Resin Turner Model Wrks
Aladdin General Store Raggs-to-Riches

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Boiler House Raggs-to-Riches
(Hotel Lemmon, Mancos, CO)

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O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
FinestKind Models
(various types)

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turner Model Wrks
Boxcar Shed
(DSP&P boxcar)
Wolf Designs

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HO Resin Wolf Designs
Coke Ovens Doc Ben's

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HO, S, O Resin / Wood Doc Ben's
Dynamite Shed Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Plaster Banta
Engine House details

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O various Raggs
Freight Shed
(RGS prototype)
FinestKind Models

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S Plastic Turner Model Wrks
Furniture Crystal River

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
Garage (Building-in-a-bag) Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Hotel / Saloon McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Mine - Cimarron Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Mine - National Belle
(Red Mountain mine)
FinestKind Models

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S Wood / Plastic Turner Model Wrks
Mine Cars Banta Modelworks

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S ? Banta
Mine Headframe Builders in Scale

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Miner's Cabins Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
FinestKind Models

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turner Model Wrks
Marv's Cabins (3-pack)

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Ore Loading Ramp Durango Press

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HO Wood Craftsman JL Innov
Berkshire Valley Models

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HO Wood Craftsman Berkshire V
Ore Dump Cars Wild West Models

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HO Plastic
3d printed kit
Wild West
Ore Tipple Builders in Scale

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Ore Tram Buckets Banta Modelworks

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O White Metal Banta
Berkshire Valley Models

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HO White Metal Berkshire V
Ore Tram Towers Banta Modelworks

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O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Berkshire Valley Models

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Berkshire V
Ore Trestle Builders in Scale

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Outhouses Banta Modelworks
(5 in 1)

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Banta Modelworks
(6 in 1)

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Outhouses (6-pack) McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Outhouses, Saloons, etc Wild West Models

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Wild West
Phone booths McCarville Studios

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Post Office - Montezuma
FinestKind Models

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S Wood / Plastic Turner Model Wrks
Pump House
(for water tanks)
Crystal River

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HO, S, O Wood Craftsman Crystal Rvr
Retail Buildings
Crystal River

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
FinestKind Models

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S Wood / Plastic Turner Model Wrks

Many Colorado-related structures, including section houses, saloons, and much more.

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O,S,HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Turner Models

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HO Resin Turner Model Wrks
Rose-Walsh Smelter Raggs-to-Riches

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HO, S(tba?) Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Roundhouse Vents & Stacks Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Scale House Builders in Scale

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Scale House
Moffett Models HO, S, ? Resin Moffett Models
7 Jolie Court
St. Catharines
Ontario, Canada
L2M 6V5
Section Buildings
Section, Bunk
Coal sheds
Handcar sheds
Crystal River

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
FinestKind Models

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Turner Model Wrks
D&RG Cumbres, Sublette, Osier section houses

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
San Juan
D&RG Coal shed, Bunk House

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Silver Plume house Banta Modelworks

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HO(tba), S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Telephone Booths
McCarville Studios

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HO, S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Moffett Models HO, S, ? Resin Moffett Models
7 Jolie Court
St. Catharines
Ontario, Canada
L2M 6V5
Wolf Designs

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HO Resin Wolf Designs
Various Structures American Model Builders

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Bill's Train Shop

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HOn3 Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Evergreen Hill Designs

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HO, O Wood Craftsman Evergreen
JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

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N, HO Wood Craftsman JL Innov
Water Tank Altas
(HOn3: shorten legs to 12')

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HO Plastic ?
Banta Modelworks
(any RGS)

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S, N(tba) Wood Craftsman Banta
Blackstone Valley
HO, S, O Wood Craftsman Blackstone

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell
Crystal River
(Round roof)
(also a pumphouse)

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HO(?), S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
FinestKind / MilePost Models
(D&RG/RGS 50k gal)
(conical roof)
(S scale straps)
(O scale rods or straps)

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S, O Resin Turner Model Wrks
FinestKind / MilePost Models
(D&RG/RGS 50k gal)
(octagonal roof)
(S scale straps)
(O scale rods or straps)

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S, O Resin Turner Model Wrks
(HOn3: shorten legs to 12')

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HO Plastic IHC
JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

I'm told this includes the octognal roof, which better matches RGS designs.

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HO Wood Craftsman
Plastic Roof
JL Innov
Narrow Gauge Colorado

HOn3 Wood Craftsman NG Colorado
Precision Scale

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? Built-up ?
(round or hexagonal roof)

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HO(?) Wood Craftsman Campbell
Wiseman Model Services
(ex-V&T Shops)
(round or hexagonal roof)

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O,On3 Resin / Wood Craftsman Wiseman

General - Bridges

Trestles Alamosa Car Shops
(mostly D&RG trestles)
HO, S, O Wood Craftsman GoldLine
Black Bear Construction Co
(kits and jigs) (OOP)

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Z, N, HO, S, O Wood Craftsman WebArchive
Blackstone Valley
(45-B and 64-A specifically, general RGS-style for others)

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HO, S, O Wood Craftsman Blackstone

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell
Eldorado Railways

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~1:20.3 Redwood
Custom semi-kits
Large Scale Trestles
JV Models

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HO, O Wood Craftsman ?

General - Misc

Crossbucks Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Wood Craftsman Banta
Freight car parts, scenery details Wiseman Model Srv

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HO,S,O (various) Wiseman
Lumber (scale) Kappler Mill & Lumber Co

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all Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
People, Animals, Wagons Fun & Games
Scale Figures
HO, S, O Painted Fun & Games
Grizzly Mtn Engineering HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Grizzly Mtn
Jordan Products

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HO Plastic kits Hobby Inc
Musket Minatures
Rustic Rails

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N, HO Cast Pewter
Musket Minatures

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all Painted
Right-of-Way Signs Banta Modelworks

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HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Stockyards Banta Modelworks
(Tom's notes)

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N, HO, S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Bill's Train Shop
(kit 17105)

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HO(tba), O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman

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HO Wood Craftsman Campbell
Crystal River

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Stockyard chutes Banta Modelworks

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Bill's Train Shop

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HO(tba), O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal River

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S, O Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Crystal Rvr
McCarville Studios

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HO Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
McCarville Studios
Walls -brick, stone, log
Roads, sidewalks also
Monster Modelworks

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HO, S, O 3d laser-cut Monster
Various yard structures
Banta Modelworks

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S Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman

Locos, Rolling Stock, Related Details, Etc

Boxcars, Gons, Reefers, Stockcars Alamosa Car Shops
(D&RG 40' reefer)

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HOn3 Wood Craftsman GoldLine
Aspen Models

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Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen
Bill's Train Shop
(ex-Master Creations)
(24' boxcar)

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HOn3 Wood Craftsman BTS
Blackstone Models

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HOn3 Plastic Blackstone
Clear Creek Models
(RGS, other ng boxcars, flats, etc)

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HOn3 Laser-Cut
Wood Craftsman
Clear Creek
Grandt Line

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HOn3 Plastic San Juan Model Co
Micro-Trains Line (MTL)

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HOn3, Nn3 Plastic MTL
Republic Locomotive Works
(many Nn3 items)
Nn3 ? Monroe Models
Rio Grande Models HOn3 Brass, Plastic, Wood Rio Grande
TrainCat Models
(D&RG stock cars)
Nn3 Brass kit TrainCat
Ye Olde Huff-n-Puff
(ex-Main Line Models)

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HO, HOn3, On3 Wood / Plastic / Metal Craftsmen Huff-n-Puff
Flangers, Plow flangers, Handcars, Speeders, Cabooses, Flats, etc Alamosa Car Shops
(6000-series flats)
HOn3 Wood Craftsman GoldLine
Aspen Models
(Flanger, Plow-Flanger, Log flats)

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Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen
Banta Modelworks
(handcars, speeders)

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S, Sn3 - Banta
Funaro & Camerlengo
(resin kits, RGS cabooses)

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HO, HOn3 Resin F&C kits
JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

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HOn3 Wood Craftsman JL Innov
Republic Locomotive Works
(RGS cabooses, flats, many Nn3 items)
Nn3 ? Monroe Models
Rio Grande Models HO,HOn3,Sn3 Brass, Plastic, Wood Rio Grande
Precision Scale Co
(inspection cars, handcars)

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HO, On3, O Brass
(kit & RTR)
Prec Scale
Wiseman Model Srv
(speeders, pre-1920 vehicles, details)

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O,On3,HO,HOn3 Brass, metal Wiseman
Wiseman Model Srv
(ex-Durango Press)

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Sn3,On3 Wood Craftsman Wiseman
Geese Aspen Models
(Goose #3)
Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen
(Goose #1)

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On30 Plastic Bachmann
Mt. Blue Model Co
(Enclosed freight body, side racks, window frames)
On30 Wood & Plastic Mt Blue
(Geese #3, #4, #5)
Freight & Tourist
Bus & Pierce-Arrow

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HO, HOn3 Plastic Con-Cor
Grandt Line
(Goose #6)

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On3 Plastic San Juan Model Co
Precision Craft
(Geese #3, #4, #5)

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On3, On30 Plastic
Republic Locomotive Works
(etchings for specific Geese)

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Nn3 Brass etchings Monroe Models
Locos Aspen Models
(K-28s, K-36s, RGS #74)

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Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen

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N, HO, On30, 1:20.3 Plastic Bachmann
Blackstone Models
(K-27s, cars)

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HOn3 die-cast metal Blackstone
Broadway Limited
(D&RGW c-16)

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On30 Plastic Bway Ltd
Division Point
(K-27s, K-28s, K-36s, K-37s)

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HOn3 Brass Div Pt
Precision Scale Co

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HO, HOn3, On3, On30 Brass
(kit and RTR)
Prec Scale

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Sn3, others? - PBL
Republic Locomotive Works
Nn3 ? Monroe Models
Miller plates, showing Victor Miller ownership
(plus many other details)
Grandt Line

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HOn3 Plastic? San Juan Model Co
Rotary OM (D&RGW) Aspen Models

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Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen
Grizzly Mountain Engineering

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1:20.3 Brass / Plastic Grizzly Mtn Eng
JL Innovative Design
(ex-Durango Press)

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HOn3 ? JL Innov
Rolling stock
Passenger, other stuff
Aspen Models

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Nn3 Brass (kit & RTR) Aspen
Bitter Creek Models HO,HOn3 Wood, Metal BC Models
Cimarron Works
(Rolling stock, Passenger Cars)
Sn3, On3 Resin Leadville Designs
Funaro & Camerlengo
(resin kits, passenger cars)

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HO, HOn3 Resin F&C kits
Heartland Railway
(laser cut wood, passenger cars)

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HOn3 Wood Heartland
(Old Time line)
(gons, bunk cars)

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HO Plastic IHC
Labelle Models

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HO, HOn3, O Wood Labelle
Precision Scale Co

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HOn3, HO, On3, On30, O Plastic, Brass
(kit and RTR)
Prec Scale
Republic Locomotive Works
(many Nn3 items)

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Nn3 Lasercut Craftsman Monroe Models
San Juan Car Co

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O,On3 Plastic San Jan Car Co
Trout Creek Eng

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HO,HOn3(?) Wood, Plastic Trout Crk
Tank cars
UTLX Frameless Gramps
Grandt Line

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On3 Plastic San Juan Model Co
Precision Scale Co

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HO, HOn3, On3, On30 Plastic
Prec Scale
Republic Locomotive Works
(many Gramps cars)
Nn3 ? Monroe Models
Outfit cars:
  Work / Outfit 01789
  D&RGW 4000-series
Rio Grande Models HOn3 Brass, Plastic, Wood Rio Grande
Work / Outfit Alamosa Car Shops
(D&RG work box, water service)

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HOn3 Wood Craftsman GoldLine
Narrow Gauge Colorado

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HOn3 Wood Craftsman NG Colorado
Wiseman Model Srv

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On3 ? Wiseman

RGS Decals

RGS Champ
(note -Champ closed in 2010)

Sets available in aluminum, gold, and black

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On3, HOn3 Decal Champ
NG data Champ
(note -Champ closed in 2010)

Sets available in bronze (passenger cars), black (reefers), and white or black (freight cars)

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On3, HOn3 Decal Champ
(note -Champ closed in 2010)
RGS Clover House

Mostly dry transfers, but some RGS. There are LOTS of other narrow gauge, and other early graphics, available as either decals or dry transfers.

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G, O, HO Decals,
Dry Transfers
Clover House
Buildings, details Dave's Art

Nice selection of ghost signs, building decals, window silhouettes, circus signs, posters, and lots more.
HO (and up) Decals Dave's Decals
RGS Microscale
(Note - N scale freight & passenger, and HO passenger sets are discontinued after current stock sells out)

Nice, large sets available in white (locos and cabooses), white & black (freight cars), white & bronze (passenger cars), and white (locos).

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G, HO, N Decal Microscale
RGS Republic Locomotive Works

Wide selection in gold, black and white, for lots of rolling stock, locos, lumber operations, billboards, and more.

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HOn3, Nn3 Decal Monroe Models
RGS San Juan Decals

Sets available for 30' Miller stock cars, 30' Miller box cars, and 30' composite frame reefers

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On3, Sn3 Decal San Juan Model Co
RGS ThinFilm

OOP - Sets available in white, silver and black, and for the Edna

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On3, Sn3, HOn3 Decal

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