
Rio Grande Southern RR - Galloping Goose© Timeline

Here's a history of the unique little 'motors' which the RGS created by in the 1930s as a way to reduce the costs of federally-required passenger service. The steam trains used for that tasks were becoming too expensive, and with the road nearly bankruptcy a more creative solution was required. This timeline will show when the various geese were created, rebuilt, wrecked, sold and/or scrapped. I'll include links for photos, specs and other info where possible.

Like the main historical timeline I'm building, this is an ongoing creation, and isn't complete yet. Special note - check out Bill White's article on Driving Goose 7, and get a feel for what it was really like to drive these contraptions. Also, the old website from the GallopingGoose.org group is still sort-of available here, as a web arcive.

By the way, note that in 1999 the term "Galloping Goose" became a copyrighted trademark, owned by the Galloping Goose Society of Dolores, Inc. That term, and associated images as used on the Rio Grande Southern Railroad are now registered trademarks. Any commercial use of that term needs permission from (and probably compensation to) the Society. Also note that the RGS referred to all these vehicles as 'Motors'. 'Goose' began to be used by passengers and other locals, but the railroad apparently didn't care for it, and always used the term 'Motor'. About 1950, when the motors entered tourist service, though, they gave in and started using the Galloping Goose term.

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Goose Timeline

picture from 1972 showing the Goose sitting near
Date Event Ref Goose Listing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1913 RGS inspection car #1 is built from a converted Model T Ford, as an inspection vehicle for Superintendent W.D. Lee. Although not a Motor or a Goose, however - just an inspection vehicle. Ssj, p321
6-06-1913 Inspection car #1 derails and rolls into the Dolores River. Superintendent W.D. Lee and his wife jumped before it hit the water, but Roadmaster Gilland didn't and was seriously hurt. Mrs. Lee refused to ride in the car after this mishap, saying it bounced too much. Ssj, p321
1925 Inspection car #1 is completely wrecked; it wasn't rebuilt. Ssj, p321
6-01-1931 Motor #1 is built from a Buick "Master Six" four-door sedan, a creation of Superintendent Forest White and Chief Mechanic Jack Odenbaugh. This first motor in the line that eventually led to the larger motors (the Geese) weighed just 5300 lbs, and was only 20'-0" long. It's engine developed 28 hp, and top speed was 30 mpg (although 20 mpg was more typical). Cost was $828.55. It had a cab capable of carrying 2 passengers, and a stake body in back for mail and other cargo. Color was dark green or black. Ssj, p321,
Ssj, p617
6-??-1931 Having pass initial trials w/flying colors, Motor #1 is put into service between Durango and Dolores. Ssj, p322 active
8-1931 Motor #1 acquires an enclosed body with a sheet metal roof, as well as a bench in the rear section. Passenger capacity is now seven. Ssj, p322 active
8-12-1931 Motor #2 is completed, and became the first real 'Goose' (although that name didn't come until much later). It was from a Buick "Master Six" four-door sedan, and had a larger frame and 16' mail/express compartment in back, although it still rode on 2 trucks. Weight was 10300 lbs, length 29'-11", and the engine had 28 hp. The front sat 4 passengers, and more could ride in the rear or even on top! The #2, however, was a gas hog. Color was dark green or black. Ssj, p322 active Built
12-02-1931 Goose #3 (motor #3, until the 1950s) is completed, and was much larger than #2. It used a Pierce-Arrow 1926 body and a '33' engine with 39 hp. Weight was 14800 lbs, length 43'-3", rode on 3 trucks, and was articulated. It cost $2586.18. Geese #4, #5 and #7 were similar. Color was dark green or black. The RGS used scraps of whatever was available; during rebuilds even old track components and tie plates were discovered welded into the frame... see this thread for details and a photo, and more details here. Ssj, p323 active active Built
5-04-1932 Goose #4 built (motor #4, until the 1950s), using a Pierce-Arrow 1926 body and Pierce-Arrow 33 engine. Weight was 14950 lbs, length 43'-3". Cost was $2584.56. Color was dark green or black. Ssj, p617 active active active Built
1933 With the success of it's other geese, the RGS is contracted by the San Cristobal RR to build a similar motor, for a cost of $2337.00. This was fairly similar to RGS Goose #2, using a Pierce-Arrow 80 body.

There is a little more history on the Nathan Holmes D&RGW.net site about the railroad, including the fact the goose was orginally built by McFarland-Eggers of Denver from an 1928 Pierce-Arrow in 1934, and tested on the C&S out of Denver (the reference for this part of the story is from The D&RG Lake City Branch and a Galloping Goose, which was published in COLORADO RAIL ANNUAL #14 on p97. The Denver work and C&S testing is also referenced in the article D&RG's Lake City Branch in Trails Among the Colubine from 1988).

Then in late 1934, The San Cristobal RR had RGS rebild the goose. This differs from (and is probably more accurate) than the Silver San Juan's assertion that the RGS built from scratch in 1933.

The COLORADO RAIL ANNUAL #14 has 3 pages of photos and drawings, along with text. See pages 102-105. Pg 103 has a poor photo of the front and a good shot of the rear. Pg 104 has a pen and ink by Gordon Chappell. Pg 105 shows a front 3/4 of the Pierce Arrow body an the front of the freight body, and also has a specifications sheet.
Ssj, p323
R Cutter
active active active active
March 21, 1933 The RGS purchases a couple of Hudson (auto) axles from Pioneer Auto Wrecking & Metal Co in Denver, for $4, for Motor #1. Al Blount, CRRM --- active active active
April 8, 1933 The RGS issues check #1583 - for $315 - to purchase the 1927 Pierce Arrow sedan that later became Goose #5 (motor #5, until the 1950s). It was purchased from the Kumpf Motor Car Co in Denver - Pierce Auto #362096 with motor #362088. Check #1585 - for $135 - was issued the same day for a 1924 Pierce Arrow sedan, which might have become Goose #6. This one was Pierce Auto #339450 and motor #339439. And then, this same month, the RGS purchased 5 gallons of D&RGW loco black paint, and 1 gallon of Super Spar Varnish, for Goose #5 (motor #5 in the records). The paint was $1.25/gallon and the varnish 3.6/gallon - total paint cost $9.95. Al Blount, CRRM --- active active active
1933 Motor #1 is scrapped. Ssj, p617 --- active active active
June 1933 An ICC inspector demands air brakes be added to the geese, and shortly thereafter requested better horns and sanders. Superindent White looked into air brakes but found them too expensive. A siren was added temporarily to supplement the horns, but was found annoying to everyone except the inspector and was later removed. Ssj, p323 --- active active active
6-08-1933 Goose #5 (motor #5, until the 1950s) is built, using a Pierce-Arrow 1928 body and Pierce-Arrow 36 engine. Weight was 14770 lbs, length 43'-3". Color was dark green or black. Ssj, p617 --- active active active Built
1-13-1934 Work goose #6 built (motor #6, until the 1950s), using a Buick body, Buick-6 engine, and a non-articulated frame. Weight was 8700 lbs, length 25'-8". Many parts in this Goose came from the recently scrapped Motor #1. Color was dark green or black. Ssj, p323
Ssj, p617
--- active active active active Built
11-15-1934 The San Cristobal Goose is back for a rebuild, the final result matching Goose #5 for the most part (except that the original 2-door passenger section was retained). Final specs were Pierce-Arrow 80 body, Pierce-Arrow 6 engine, weight 14510 lbs, length 43'-9". This is unlike the large RGS motors as it did not have the back of the cab widened about 20" or so. Ssj, p323
Ssj, p617

R Herronen
--- active active active active active
Aug 7, 1935 A British newsreel video is released which includes (in the last 1/3) about a minute of footage of Goose #3 (motor 3) running in her original dark color scheme; I think this is the earliest footage I've ever seen of the motors (or Geese). It includes shots from inside the cab as well as runbys, and shots from the Dolores depot platform (in very good condiition, btw). Caught By The Camera, #41, Aug 7, 1935 --- active active active active active
1935 The San Cristobal RR's Goose is delivered, when the railroad finally found the money to pay for it. Ssj, p323 --- active active active active active
1935 All Geese were repainted in aluminum, which was expected to last longer then their dark green / black paint jobs. Ssj, p325 --- active active active active active
10-27-1936 The last Goose, #7 (motor #7, until the 1950s), was built using a Pierce-Arrow 1926 body and a Ford 1936 V-8 engine. Weight was 16500lbs, length 46'-0". It also contained a refrigerator, to enable shipping of meats and vegetables during the summer. Ssj, p324
Ssj, p617
--- active active active active active Built
10-27-1936 With Goose #7 available, Goose #2 was relegated to Ridgway and used as a spare. Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
July 1938 Five years after being requested by the ICC, air brakes are finally installed on Geese #3 and #4. The system used straight air, so a loss of pressure would mean a loss of braking ability. The old hand brakes were thus retained for backup. Ssj, p323 --- spare active active active active active
1939 The San Cristobal RR's goose is returned the RGS when the railroad went belly up. It was dismantled, the express compartment becoming a shed behind the Ridgway roundhouse and the other parts used to rebuild Goose #2. Ssj, p323 --- spare active active active active active
1939 Goose #2 is rebuilt with a Pierce-Arrow body and a new engine, using parts from the San Cristobal goose. Some of these parts can still be identified in Goose #2 today, according to Keith Goodrich, who is with the Colorado RR Museum, and there's a panel inside Goose #2 that still reads San Cristobal.

Robert Herronen writes that the cab went to replace the one on Goose #2 which still had the older Buick body. The other mechanical parts were undoubtable salvaged to keep the RGS flock going. Probably the motor went into the #2 as well.
Ssj, p324

K Goodrich
R Herronen
--- spare active active active active active
1939 Air brakes are added to Geese #5 and #7. #2 never did get air brakes, until they were added by the Durango and Silverton RR when Goose #2 participated in Railfest 1998. #6 also never received air brakes from the RGS. Ssj, p323
Keith Goodrich
--- spare active active active active active
1939 Goose #3, now painted aluminum and lettered with Rio Grande Southern in a curved arch, is modified by moving the freight door to the middle of the express body. The panels were simply moved, so the lettering now read 'Rio Grande Sout' toward the front, and 'hern' toward the rear. Jeff Taylor --- spare active active active active active
? Goose #2 is semi-permanently retired, used occassionaly only as a spare?
Ssj, p323 --- spare active active active active active
During WWII Goose service is discontinued between Durango and Dolores. Ssj, p325 --- spare active active active active active
1940 1940 was the year (approximately) that the RGS Sunset herald is applied to the newer geese (#3, #4, #5 and #7). These did not have the new herald in 1939, and most photos in 1940 seem to show them w/the new herald. I'm not sure about the dates for geese #1 and #6. --- spare active active active active active
1940s Goose #4 is pictured here, apparently transferring loads to a truck for shipment to Telluride, after Goose service into Telluride was discontinued. It doesn't look like Vance Jct though... Bob Richardson --- spare active active active active active
Spring 1942 Goose #2 out of service on 3-17-1941, until repairs completed and inspected on 9-20-1942. Repair record --- shop active active active active active
Summer 1942 Geese #3 and #4 lose their 'frog-eye' fenders. Ssj, p325
/ p338
--- spare active active active active active
Dec 1942 Superintendent Boucher complains that 'Motor 6 heats terrible', going to add that it even ran hot going downhill. Ssj, p325 --- spare active active active active active
1945 Goose #5 loses her 'frog-eye' fenders. Ssj, p325 --- spare active active active active active
10-11-1945 Goose #4, again pictured here at the transfer point for Telluride, after Goose service into Telluride was discontinued. And here's a couple photos of Goose #3, also taken here on the same day:   p1   p2   Bob Richardson --- spare active active active active active
1946 Geese #3, #4 and #5 are rebuilt with military-surplus Wayne bus bodies. Herb Kelsey notes that these were fairly unique bus bodies, having doors on both sides. Domestic Wayne busses had doors only on one side, but those used in WWII in France or England had doors on both sides (for both left-hand side and right-hand side running traffic). Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
8-21-1947 Goose #5 receives a 361ci GMC engine; #3 is still Pierce-Arrow powered. Perhaps #4 was the first to receive the GMC 361 engine? All of the big Geese (3,4,5,7) eventually received the GMC engine, which was World War II surplus, and originally used in 2.5 ton trucks (Red Ball Express).

Art Gibson rode #3 this day, and he tells me that upon arrival at Ridgway he and his Dad went over to inspect #5, which had just been re-engined with a war-surplus GMC engine. The motorman extolled it's merits - more power and much more dependable operation.
Art Gibson
Keith Goodrich
Dick Rudolph
Larry Spencer
--- spare active active active active active
8-21-1947 The remains of the San Cristobal goose were still in existence in Ridgway, and Art and his Dad saw it this day. Art Gibson --- spare active active active active active
9-15-1948 Here's some photos of Goose #3 at the transfer point for Telluride, some years now after Goose service into Telluride was discontinued:   p1   p2   Bob Richardson --- spare active active active active active
Spring 1950 The express compartments on Geese #3, #4, #5 and #7 are converted for passenger use. Staff at Knott's, who restored #3, noted that the conversion of the express box was done quickly, and support for the windows and filling in of the origional freight door was poorly done. In addition to cutting windows, the RGS added seats from old Denver buses, long benches, and snack bars were added. Capacity was now 32 people. Galloping Geese were painted on the sides of the motors, and also used in advertising along major highways. I believe this is the first official acknowledgement by the railroad of the term Galloping Goose. Here's a photo of #5 shortly after rebuilding, in July 1950. Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
Summer 1950 Outhouses were built at Trout Lake, painted boxcar red, and lettered 'Goose' and 'Gander'. Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
Summer 1950 About 1000 people ride the Geese this summer. Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
Summer 1951 Over 2000 people ride the Geese this summer. Here's a picture of Goose #3 from June of this year, and August photos of Goose #3 and Goose #4. Ssj, p324 --- spare active active active active active
Aug 1951 Goose #2 is sitting out-of-service in Ridgway, technically still a spare, although she looks pretty dead. Here's a photo of her, sitting next to the destroyed rotary in the Ridgway yard. Bob Richardson --- spare active active active active active
Fall 1951 RGS operations are drawing to a close. Bob Richardson shot some photos of Goose #6 at work... On Aug 9th at Rico: p1 and Dolores: p2 (same day?) On Nov 16th, between Stoner & Bear creek: p3, and at Bear Creek: p4 And on Dec 19th, in the snow near Hesperus: p5. And finally back home in Durango that same day: Durango: p6   p7   Bob Richardson --- ? active ? ? active ?
3-1952 Goose #3 is sold to Knotts Berry Farm, where it is put into service briefly on the park's railroad. Orange v2 --- ? Knotts ? ? ? ?
9-5-1952 Goose #6 is used for scrapping - here are some photos of her switching in Dolores: p1   p2. And here's more photos of another Goose (#3 according to the caption - maybe not yet at Knott's?) scrapping in Telluride this day, w/ the rear compartment stripped down to a flatbed: p3   p4   Bob Richardson --- ? Knotts ? ? scrapper ?
9-25-1952 Here's a couple photos of one of the bus-body Geese scrapping near Telluride; the caption says it's #3, but I think the #3 was already on it's way to Knott's by this time. In any case, now even the bus portion has been stripped down the flatbed:   p1   p2  

Jeff Talyor, working on Goose #3 at Knott's, notes that Wayne bus bodies were designed to come apart or be assembled with simple bolts. In #3's case, it's clear that the original body was reassembled either before or after arriving at the park. Parts were still available in the 1950s, and new parts might've been used in repairing the changes made during her scrapping duties.

Jeff shared this picture, showing the express boxes from Geese #3 and #7, sitting in front of the now-very-forlorn-looking Ridgway roundhouse, about 1952 or 1953.
Bob Richardson
Jeff Talyor
--- ? Knotts ? ? scrapper ?
10-10-1952 Goose #6 is active in scrapping the line. Here's a photo of her working near a washout near Muldoon. There are many more photos of this operation in the route summary under Muldoon. Bob was particularly prolific that day with his camera! Bob Richardson --- ? Knotts ? ? scrapper ?
11-6-1952 Goose #5 has made it to Dolores, sitting sadly in the dirt near the depot: p1. Bob Richardson --- ? Knotts ? display scrapper ?
1953 Scrapping of the RGS begins, and the Geese begin their sad task of hauling away the very rail they ran on. The express boxes and sometimes the bus bodies are temporarily removed for these operations.

A couple of photos from Vance Jct: pic1   pic2  

--- spare display active active active active
1953 Goose #2 is moved to the Bob Richardson's Narrow Gauge museum in Alamosa, at a depot he called 'South Alamosa". Here's some photos:   p1   p2   Bob Richardson --- display display ? ? scrapper ?
1953 Goose #3 is retired and goes into storage as a static display at Knotts Berry Farm. With two operating steam locomotives, ex-RGS #41 and ex-D&RG #340, the Goose isn't needed. Orange v2 --- spare display ? ? scrapper ?
April 1953 Goose #7 is in use by the Brinkerhoff Brothers to scrap other lines. Jack Brinkerhoff mentioned that he installed a 'reverser' in #7, because he was tired of backing up in low gear (2-3 mph) to the nearest road crossing, while scrapping rails. With the reverser, there are now four speeds available in reverse for this Goose. Here's some photos of her scrapping near Fall Creek, CO: p1   p2   p3   p3   And a few more of her scrapping at Grady, CO in June: p1   p2   Bob Richardson --- spare display ? ? ? scrapper
April 1953 Goose #2 is sitting at Ridgway, long out-of-service and looking pretty sad. Here's some photos of her, sitting next to 461:   p1   p2   Bob Richardson --- spare display ? ? ? scrapper
June 1953 Goose #5 has been delivered to Dolores, but looks very bereft sitting on the bare ground near the depot. Here's a photo. Steve Eriksen --- spare display ? display ? scrapper
June 16, 1953 Goose #6 is scrapping at Hesperus, on the next-to-last day of scrapping. Here's a photo. Bob Richardson --- spare display ? display scrapper scrapper
After 1953 Geese 6 and 7 were used by the Brinkerhoff Brothers to help scrap the RGS. They assumed that they'd have a shot at scrapping the D&RG's San Juan Extension (Chama to Durango) when it's time came, likely soon. So, they purchased these two Geese and stored them near Rico and later in the Ignacio area. However, that abandonment didn't happen for years, and when it did scrapping methods didn't include geese pulling flatcars, as was used on the RGS and Marshall Pass. Had that extension been scrapped in the 50s, it's likely these two geese would've been scrapped soon after. Happily, they weren't! Eventually the Brinkerhoff's ended up a scrap yard near Durango, and the two geese sat there until the early 1970s, were eventually purchased by Bob Shank, and today are at the Colorado RR Museum.
--- display ? display display stored stored
After 1953 Goose #2 moves to NG Motel(?) and is cosmetically(?) restored.

Before restoration: p1   p2   p3   p4  
After restoration: p1   p2   p3 (w/Crums!)   p4   p5   p6   p7   p8  

--- display display display display display display
After 1953 Goose #4 is sold to Telluride, and installed on display between a couple buildings. Here's a picture from 1972 showing the Goose installed next to the Fire House.
--- display display display display display display
After 1953 Goose #5 is sold to Dolores, and installed on display next to the RGS depot. Here's a picture from 1972 showing the Goose sitting near the depot, before she was fully restored.
--- display display display display display display
After 1953 Geese #6 and #7, owned by the Brinkerhoof Brothers (scrappers) and used in scrapping the line, are moved to his private property at the foot of Florida Mesa, and stored. Donn Osier --- display display display display stored stored
After 1953 Mike Blazek writes about the legend of some RGS paper and a missing goose body: "Some of you might remember in the fifties when the San Cristobal goose body, which had been sitting behind the roundhouse in Ridgway (and is included in lots of photos there) was "lost" on the way to the CRRM. It was loaded with "tons" of RGS paperwork some of which found it's way to the CRRM but according to legend, no one ever saw the goose body again. There has been definite speculation about someone paying off the truck driver to deliver it elsewhere, but no one has ever proved who the culprit was although some say they know his identity as a well known railfan. Ah, sweet mystery. Mike Blazek --- display display display display stored stored
1960 Geese #2 is on display at the Colorado RR Museum. Here's a photo from that year: pic. Bob Richardson --- display display display display stored stored
4-12-1967 Goose #7, stilled stored in the Brinkerhoff Brothers scrap yard. (The Brinkerhoff Brothers (of Rico?) had the RGS scrapping contract, among other contracts). Here's some photos, likely from their storage yard near Durango: p1   p2   p3   --- display display display display stored stored
1973 Goose #3 is restored and briefly returns to service at Knotts Berry Farm while the park's two operating steam locomotives are overhauled. The overhauls are completed later this year, the Goose is returned storage & display. Here's some photos from about 1974, from Ted Van Klaveren: p1   p2   p3   p4   p5  

According to Nathan (a conductor at Knott's), at some point the 361cc GMC engine in #3 failed and was replaced, I think around 1953. The replacement was a 346cc Reo engine, surplus from the Korean War (again, from 2.5 ton trucks) and apparently found within Knott's somewhere. The 361cc GMC engine was likely discarded.
Orange v2
Keith Goodrich
--- ? display display display stored stored
Summer 1972 Geese #6 and #7 are still owned by the Brinkerhoff's - who scrapped the RGS - and are sitting in their yard near Durango during this time. The scrapper was holding onto the Geese, hoping to get the contract to scrap the Cumbres & Toltec portion of the D&RGW's line, which thankfully never happened. Ted Van Klavern snapped a number of photos of them at the time:
    p1   p2   p3   p4   p5   p6   p7   p8   p9   p10   p11   p12   p13   p14   p15   p16   p17   p18  
Ted Van Klavern --- ? display display display stored stored
1978 The Rocky Mtn Railroad Club (RRMRC) contacted Jack Brinkerhoff about possibly purchasing Geese #6 and #7; he and his brother had been hanging onto them in case the C&TS went under, to scrap that line. The RRMRC had worked out an agreement with the Colorado RR Museum to display at the museum if the sale went through, along with 5 other pieces of equipment owned by the club and also on display there. Jack did eventually sell the Geese, but to Bob Shank, who was living in Durango at the time. Bob had a collection of equipment (started purchasing it from various places around 1971), and (needing room for it) purchased property out toward Hermosa and moved everything there. His equipment included D&RGW #50, D&RG caboose 0549, and other pieces. His collection was stored near the D&S mainline, and he hoped to build a spur to the line to be able to operate his equipment, but that never happened. Jerry Albers and Bob had considered merging their collections (Jerry had purchased RGS caboose 0400 in 1973) to form the Western Colorado Museum (which also never happened). Bob moved to Tennessee in 1985, and offered to sell all of his equipment to Bob Richardson, for the Colorado RR Museum. The CRRM couldn't afford the equipment at that time, but someone else eventually stepped in, bought the equipment, and sold it over time to CRRM (this was probably Dick Kindig). Jerry Albers, Bill Gould --- display display display display display display
1983 Geese #6 and #7 are purchased by Dick Kindig [I believe from Bob Shank -sjh] and moved to the Colorado RR Museum. Donn says the frame of one was so badly rusted it broke while being winched onto a flatbed truck for transport. Donn Osier --- display display display display display display
1985 Goose #7 is now at the Colorado RR Museum, but in very poor condition. Here's a shot of her interior from 1985. Donn Osier --- display display display display display display
1990s Goose #5 is still just at display in Dolores at this point. In 1990, Henry Valdez snapped a couple photos of her sitting near the site of the eventual depot replica; she looked pretty bad at the time: p1   p2  

Later, in the mid-1990s, the depot replica had been completed, and Goose #5 was moved around the corner and placed a bit of new track. Jack Mulliken visitied around that time, and provided these photos: p3   p4   p5.
Jack Mulliken,
Henry Valdez
--- display display display display display display
1997 Goose #3 is rebuilt by Knotts Berry Farm with a 4-stroke Cummins diesel engine (w/ a turbo) and put into regular service, used mostly on less busy days when it doesn't make sense to bring out either of the park's two steam locomotives - RGS #41 or D&RG #340.

This Goose had sat virtually mothballed for a long time prior to this work (although according to Glenn Ratzel, it was running 1986, and powered by the Reo engine at the time). The Reo engine was removed and donated to the Galloping Goose Hist Soc in Dolores for help in restoring Goose #5. They didn't need it, and donated it to CRRM, who in turn re-donated it to GGHS in the fall of 2008. It's in storage today, along with a second Reo engine (miltary surplus), both held in case the current Goose #5's GMC engine needs replacement. Goose #5 still has the engine installed by the RGS after WWII (a 361ci GMC).

Nathan (a conductor at Knott's) related the interesting tidbit that before the Goose re-entered passenger service at Knott's, it had been the personal hobby of one of the teen-aged Knott's family members, who used to operate it on employee nights.
Knotts Berry Farm
Larry Spencer
Jerry McKenzie
--- display Rebuilt display display ? ?
Jun 1997 The Galloping Goose Historical Soc begins the restoration of Goose #5, disassembling the passenger section. Restoring to operation wasn't planned at this point, but as the condition of the Goose became apparent, plans changed and a full restoration was initiated. Hubert --- display active display rebuild ? ?
Jun 1998 The restoration of Goose #5 is completed by the Galloping Goose Historical Soc in Dolores, and runs on the C&TS. The Narrow Gauge Circle has chronicled that trip in their article A Galloping Goose on the C&TS. A few weeks later, it travels to Durango and runs as part of Railfest 1998.

Mario Rapineet took a number of photos of the restored Goose #5, including a number of neat interior shots in 2004: p1   p2   p3   p4   p5   p6.
--- ? active display Rebuilt ? ?
Sep 1998 Goose #2 is taken to Railfest 1998, on the Durango and Silverton RR. The D&S required air brakes, and as #2 didn't have any the D&S installed them. However, they used a 9.5" cylinder off a flanger, and this was way oversize for the Goose. In fact, it actually twisted the truck frame and eventually worn the flanges on the wheels down. Keith Goodrich --- active active display Rebuilt ? ?
May 20, 1999 The Galloping Goose Historical Soc again brings Goose #5 to the C&TS for several weeks of running. The adventure on this day was chronicled in another article on the Narrow Gauge Circle, titled Goose #5 Loses a Wheel. Dave captured some photos as well. It was like the RGS days of old! Hubert --- display active display active ? ?
6-01-2000 A replica of Motor #1 is created by the Ridgway RR Museum. Pictures are available on the museum's site Ridgway Museum Recreated display active display active ? ?
8-23-2000 The Motor #1 replica makes a memorable run on the Durango and Silverton RR during Railfest 2000. Railfest 2000 active active active display active ? ?
8-24-2000 Railfest 2000 takes place on the Durango and Silverton RR, with Geese #1, #2 and #5 all running and hauling passengers. Railfest 2000 active active active display active ? ?
2001 Nathan (a conductor at Knott's) told me of more Goose #3 repairs. It's roof was sagging in 2001, but Knotts Berry Farm decided to restore the old bird and repaired the roof. Most of the freight compartment's wood and metal work was also replaced.

During the repairs, Knott's completely took the rear box apart down to the frame. Most of the roof sagging and deteriation issues were because of the shotty construction of the windows and filling in of the side door. The RGS took no time or care in the conversion of it to passenger service.

The sides were braced, the roof pulled off, and the rear wall pulled off in one piece by just lifting it off with a forklift. The sides were cut off the front wall and just pushed over. Today, the front and rear walls of the box are the original, with mostly orignial skin; the side walls are 100% new including tin. The windows were built a little differenlty, larger for better viewing at Knotts. The roof is also new, but constructed in the same manner as the original.

Inside are framed historical pictures of Goose #3 - all framed with remnants of the original box.

After all this work, Goose #3 returned to passenger service on weekdays during the off season at Knott's. Nathan says the Goose needs just 10 gallons a week, while either of the (now) oil-fueled C-19 steam locomotives burn 300 gallons a day.
Knotts Berry Farm active active rebuild display active ? ?
2005 Geese #2, #6 and #7 are being rebuilt at the Colorado RR Museum. Geese #2 and #6 are getting new air truck Maxi-brakes, and #2 is getting new wheels and axles. As of June, the wheels were completed but the axles were not. Colorado RR Museum active rebuild active display active rebuild rebuild
6-8-2005 Goose #5 returns to the C&TS railroad. There's lots of photos:
    set 2
    set 3
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4-28-2007 Goose #2 returns to operation after a rebuild, at the CRRM. NG Discussion Forum active active active display active rebuild rebuild
5-29-2008 Goose #4 is owned by the Telluride Volunteer Fire Department, and on this day they sent the Goose to Ridgway for a cosmetic restoration, to take place over the next 3 years. There's more details here. NG Discussion Forum active active active rebuild active rebuild rebuild
11-10-2008 Geese #6 and #7 return to operation after a rebuild, at the CRRM, joining #2 in operation there. Bill Gould made a lengthy posting with details on the rebuilds:

During the restoration efforts for #7, a small piece of the original Pierce Arrow upholstery was discovered under a seat (#7 has it's original body, never being rebuilt with a Wayne bus body like 3, 4 and 5. Reproduction material was found and Al Blount stitched up new seat,door panels, and recovered the widened rear portion of the car body. A new birch headliner was installed along with ash tongue and groove flooring. Here's a couple of photos from Al, of the new interior: pic1   pic2

Orginal Opera lights were found on E-Bay and installed. All three trucks were rebuilt. The power truck and trailing truck were upgraded to AA Ford full floating rear ends, shortened and new axles machined. Now if an axle breaks a wheel won't fall off!

Many, many more components were rebuilt or restored. The braking system was rebuilt utilizing the original air brake cylinder. #7 never had the brake "pots" on the rear trucks. #7 has a 1956 Chevy 261 CI truck motor along with a Chevy 4 speed transmission that has been completely rebuilt.

Jack Brinkerhoff, who scrapped the RGS, installed a reverser behind the 361 GMC motor. Recalling a conversation I had with him in the late 70's, he said he was tired of backing up #7 at 2 mph to unload rails at a road crossing, so he installed a reverser, giving him 5 speeds in reverse.

In answer to a previous post, 7 never had a diesel engine. It was the GMC when Brinkerhoff had it, GMC engine when Bob Shank Jr. had it, and when the CRRM got it in 1985. THe CRRM installed the Chevy it now has.

Note to Mark Klaveren: Those 3 pictures you have of 6 & 7 were taken in Jack Brinkerhoff's back yard off Florida street in Durango. The spotlight, radiator and grille shell were removed by noted author Mac Poor when #7 was sitting at Poncha Junction after scrapping the Marshall Pass line. The CRRM recovered the grille and radiator. Then in 2000, Neil Reich, former dispatcher for the D&SNG gave the spotlight back to the CRRM, which he had purchased from Mac Poor's widow.

On 11-8-08 #7 had a shakedown run around the Museum loop. It ran great and it never looked as good on the RGS as it does now. We have kept the historical integrity of #7 intact, at least visually. Bob Richardson commented, almost with a tear in his eye, that even with the Chevy motor it sounded just like he remembered it on the RGS, This was in 1987.

#6 has had the interior redone, new upholstery, two doors rebuilt, and the motor tuned up. A 1956 Chevy 235 CI was installed in the late eighties (it had a 216 CI Chevy in it when the CRRM got it from Bob Shank Jr. in 1985). It ran fine last month after sitting for 8 years. #6 has a "bedliner" from the side of an old tender, probably for weight.

#2 has had the power truck rebuilt using the same AA full floating rear ends. Brake pots from a semi trailer were installed on the truck, replacing the brake cylinder installed by the D&S when it was added for Railfest in 1998. #2 never had air brakes on the RGS. The 1930 Buick six cylinder is running well and has been used frequently to haul passengers.
Bill Gould
NG Discussion Forum
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8-23-2011 Goose #4' runs again !! There's video and details on the Ridgway Museum site, where the restoration is taking place. NG Discussion Forum active active active rebuild active active active
6-12-2012 Goose #4 is fully restored, and running on her own power for the first time in 60+ years. She's making her debut in grand style, at the Colorado RR Museum's GooseFest - a gathering of nearly all the RGS Geese. This is truly RGS history - all SEVEN geese are running again! There's some pictures at the NG Discussion Forum. There's also video of her backing off the truck at the museum, under her own power. So cool!

Goose #3 was scheduled to also attend GooseFest, but couldn't make it at the last minute. However, the folks at Knott's did fix her up beautifully for the occasion: She was completely finished by 6-28-12, including more accurate lettering, new paint, etc. See the photos.
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